Abuja | Monday, May 27, 2024: On this joyous occasion of Children’s Day, Rep. Akin Rotimi Jr. extends heartfelt wishes to all children and families in Ekiti North 1 (Ikole/Oye) Federal Constituency.

Children’s Day is a celebration of the innocence, dreams, and boundless potential that our young ones represent. A reminder for us to recommit ourselves to the cause of providing, and nurturing a supportive environment for our children to thrive.

“Our children are the future of our community and our nation. Thus, Investing in their education, health, and overall well-being is not just a duty but a privilege.

Therefore, as we celebrate this special day, let us all work together to ensure that every Nigerian child has the opportunity to reach their full potential, free from hindrances or obstacles,” Rep. Rotimi Jr. stated,

In line with his commitment to the development of Ekiti North 1, Rep. Akin Rotimi Jr. advocates policies and initiatives that support improved welfare of the children and families in the Constituency.

As a Member of the 10th House of Representatives, the House Spokesman is working tirelessly, and remains dedicated to supporting child-friendly legislation and interventions that will enhance the socio-economic environment where every child can grow up healthy, educated, and empowered.

“Let us all take a moment today to appreciate the joy and wonder that children bring into our lives and pledge our support to a bright future for them all,” he added.

Happy Children’s Day to all our children in Ekiti North 1 (Ikole/Oye) Federal Constituency.


Sunkanmi Bamigboye

Spokesman, AOA Constituency Office

This release is issued on the 349th day of the 1461-day tenure

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