Celebrating a Lifetime of Service and Leadership

Today, we celebrate the birthday anniversary of Air Vice Marshal Rufus Adeniyi Ojuawo (Rtd).

A distinguished officer whose journey of service has been marked by excellence and commitment to Nigeria’s progress. Following a distinguished tenure in the Nigerian Air Force, his strategic vision and leadership, saw to the advancement of Ekiti State’s aviation infrastructure.

Notably, AVM Ojuawo played a pivotal role in the development of the Airport project, contributing to Ekiti’s economic growth and connectivity. He thereafter transitioned into politics and was elected to the House of Representatives.

Even in retirement, he continues to advance his contributions to peace, stability and development. In particular, his role as Vice Chairman of the House Committee on Air Force underscores his enduring commitment to ensuring the professionalism and effectiveness of our Air Force.

Happy Birthday, AVM Ojuawo! May this day be filled with joy, and may your future endeavours continue to inspire us all.

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